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Viva Products - Protein Purification and Separation Technologies

BJP 5 Static Concentrator

BJP 5 Static Concentrator

Up to 5 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 100x

BJP 5 benchtop devices allow concentration of laboratory samples up to 5 ml in volume. They can operate without a centrifuge or other equipment. The dead stop design provides maximum concentrate recovery where samples can be withdrawn without the need for glass Pasteur pipettes.

  • Simple concentration of biological samples and dilute protein solutions.
  • Concentration and purification of antibodies.
Time to concentrate [minutes] at 20°C and solute recovery %
(Different conc. factors shown)
Start Volume 5 ml (10x conc.) 5 ml (50x conc.)
Min. Rec. Min. Rec.
BSA 1.0 mg/ml (66,000 MW)
7,500 MWCO PES 30 92% 41 88%
IgG 0.25 mg/ml (160,000 MW)
7,500 MWCO PES 35 75% 55 65%
Concentrator Capacity
Per Sample 5 ml 5 ml
Total Length 147 mm 38 mm
Width 70 mm 20 mm
Height 94 mm 100 mm
Active Membrane Area 25 cm² 25 cm²
Dead stop volume 50 µl 50 µl
Materials of Construction
Reservoir Material Styrene-acrylonitrile Styrene-acrylonitrile
Membrane Polyethersulfone Polyethersulfone
Description Buy
7,500 MWCO, PES Membrane, 30 tests per pack
SKU: BJP-5/30G
Price: $255.00
7,500 MWCO, PES Membrane, 40 tests per pack
SKU: BJP-5/40G
Price: $346.00
7,500 MWCO, PES Membrane, 100 tests per pack
SKU: BJP-5/100G
Price: $764.00
Pack sizes of 30 and 100 are comprised of individual units, while the pack size of 40 is comprised of 8 test block units.
Individual units must be used with an Acrylic stand (# BJPA-AS) which is reusable and must be ordered separately.


Description Buy
Acrylic Stand for 4 BJP Units
Price: $0.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 30 per pack
Price: $14.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 40 per pack
Price: $15.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 100 per pack
Price: $29.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 250 per pack
Price: $42.00
Expansion Reservoir for BJP-20
Price: $58.00

How to Order

Pack sizes of 30 and 100 are comprised of individual units, while the pack size of 40 is comprised of 8 test block units.
Individual units must be used with an Acrylic stand (# BJPA-AS) which is reusable and must be ordered separately.
Pack sizes of 30 and 100 are comprised of individual units, while the pack size of 40 is comprised of 8 test block units.
Individual units must be used with an Acrylic stand (# BJPA-AS) which is reusable and must be ordered separately.

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