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Viva Products - Protein Purification and Separation Technologies

BJP 20 Static Concentrator

BJP 20 Static Concentrator

Up to 20 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 200x

BJP 20 benchtop devices allow concentration of laboratory samples up to 20 ml in volume with the optional expansion reservoir (10 ml without the reservoir). They can operate without a centrifuge or other equipment. The dead stop design provides maximum concentrate recovery where samples can be withdrawn without the need for glass Pasteur pipettes.

  • Simple concentration of biological samples and dilute protein solutions.
  • Concentration and purification of antibodies.
Time to concentrate [minutes] at 20°C and solute recovery %
(Different conc. factors shown)
Start Volume 10 ml (10x conc.) 10 ml (50x conc.) 20 ml (10x conc.) 20 ml (50x conc.)
  Min. Rec. Min. Rec. Min. Rec. Min. Rec.
BSA 1.0 mg/ml (66,000 MW)
7,500 MWCO PES 55 92% 105 93% 115 92% 218 93%
IgG 0.25 mg/ml (160,000 MW)
7,500 MWCO PES 70 78% 140 74% 160 78% 290 74%
  BJP-20 (all models)
Concentrator Capacity
Per Sample
(with optional reservoir - Order # BJPA-ER20)
20 ml
Per Sample
(without optional reservoir)
10 ml
Total Length 45 mm
Width 28 mm
Height 100 mm
Active Membrane Area 28 cm²
Dead stop volume 50 µl
Materials of Construction
Reservoir Material Styrene-acrylonitrile
Membrane Polyethersulfone
Description Buy
7,500 MWCO, PES Membrane, 30 tests per pack
SKU: BJP-20/30G
Price: $281.00
7,500 MWCO, PES Membrane, 100 tests per pack
SKU: BJP-20/100G
Price: $840.00
Pack sizes of 30 and 100 are comprised of individual units, while the pack size of 40 is comprised of 8 test block units.
Individual units must be used with an Acrylic stand (# BJPA-AS) which is reusable and must be ordered separately.


Description Buy
Acrylic Stand for 4 BJP Units
Price: $0.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 30 per pack
Price: $14.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 40 per pack
Price: $15.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 100 per pack
Price: $29.00
Recovery Pipettes for BJP, 250 per pack
Price: $42.00
Expansion Reservoir for BJP-20
Price: $58.00

How to Order

Pack sizes of 30 and 100 are comprised of individual units, while the pack size of 40 is comprised of 8 test block units.
Individual units must be used with an Acrylic stand (# BJPA-AS) which is reusable and must be ordered separately.
Pack sizes of 30 and 100 are comprised of individual units, while the pack size of 40 is comprised of 8 test block units.
Individual units must be used with an Acrylic stand (# BJPA-AS) which is reusable and must be ordered separately.

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