Try our NEW Urine Protein Concentration Calculator
Up to 500 µl starting volume
Concentrate up to 100x
Up to 2 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 250x
Up to 4 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 200x
Up to 4 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 100x
Up to 6 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 200x
Up to 15 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 150x
Up to 15 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 400x
Up to 20 ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 400x
Up to 100 ml starting volume
Option of Pressure-fugation or Gas pressure filtration in addition to centrifugationUp to 2.5 ml starting volume
For very viscous or particle-containing liquidsUp to 2 ml starting sample volume
For separation of free drugs and hormones from those bound to serum proteins.Up to 500 µl starting sample volume
For separation of free drugs and hormones from those bound to serum proteins.
Up to 5ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 100x
Up to 10ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 200x
Up to 20ml starting volume (with optional resevoir)
Concentrate up to 200x
Compatible with all MD dialyzers
The XDB Xpress Dialysis Box is designed for sample purification in half the time with a large, shared buffer volume. XDB Refill Kits allow simple replacement of cartridges with the same design benefits as the standard Xpress dialyzer kits.
10-100 µl sample volumes
96 well deep well plate
50-300 µl sample volumes
96 well deep well plate
50-300 µl sample volumes
96 well deep well plate
Pipette buffer directly into top of dialyzer
150-1000 µl sample volumes
48 well deep well plate
Pipette buffer directly into top of dialyzer
The Hettich Mikro 200 microliter centrifuge performs routine analytical tasks such as concentration of small forensic DNA samples easily and effectively. Small clinical samples such as urine and cerebrospinal fluid can also be processed quickly.
The Hettich Rotofix 32A is a general purpose benchtop centrifuge ideal for routine laboratory tasks. Forensic DNA samples can be concentrated easily and clinical labs can concentrate urine and spinal fluid samples quickly prior to electrophoresis.
The Hettich Rotina 380 centrifuge saves you space while spinning a large quantity of centrifuge tubes per run. The Rotina 380 is a tabletop centrifuge that can handle a moderate volume of larger Vivaspin devices for urine protein concentration.
The Hettich Rotanta 460 benchtop centrifuge is valuable in large hospital labs for urine protein concentration prior to gel or capillary electrophoresis. Its capacity is ideal for a high volume clinical reference lab processing a large quantity of Vivaspin filters.
Up to 2 ml sample volume
Reverse spin for maximum sample recovery
Up to 2 ml sample volume
Reverse spin for maximum sample recovery
Up to 500 µl sample volume
Reverse spin for maximum sample recovery
Up to 500 µl sample volume
Reverse spin for maximum sample recovery
Up to 5ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 100x
Up to 10ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 100x
Up to 20ml starting volume
Concentrate up to 100x
Proteus NoEndo™ spin columns provide fast convenient affinity-based removal of endotoxins from antibodies and other proteins. These devices combine quality separations found in gravity columns with the speed of centrifugal separators.